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Step 1: Look through all of the items below. You can sort by “type” for ease.

Step 2: Click on each individual item you want to download.

*Note: You have until September 30, 2024 to download your item(s).

Step 3: Follow the download instructions for each item and check your inbox for your digital downloads!


Jessica Campbell Jessica Campbell

7 Warm Up Email Templates

7 Warm-Up Emails for Nonprofits

This 7-part bundle set provides warm-up emails to cultivate donors all summer long. Included is: The Campaign Roadmap template, The Transparency Email, The 10 Things You Didn't Know Email, The Donor Feedback Email, The Statistic Email, The Team Intro Email, and The Circle Back Storytelling Email.

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Jessica Campbell Jessica Campbell

Nonprofit Automation Starter Toolkit

The Nonprofit Automation Toolkit

Ready to dip your toes into the world of automation? The Nonprofit Automation Starter Kit will make it easy to get started!

This automation starter kit includes your roadmap to effortless efficiency, including getting a handle on your tech and software with the 5-minute tech stack audit, then the boring but essential tag + naming convention template.

Plus, the top 3 retention boosting automations and my personal favorite automation: The 1-Minute Thank You!

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