Picture it now…

It’s giving Tuesday 2024 and you are relaxed. You’ve…

✅ secured a match donors for your end-of-year campaign

✅ 90% of your major gift donors have made their pledges

✅ all of your campaign emails are written

✅ your hard copy appeal is in the mail

✅ you board is informed and hyped on your progress

That reality can be yours for real when you buy the must-have item of the summer: The Christmas in June Bundle for Nonprofits.


Wouldn’t it feel great to start Q3 feeling prepped and organized for end-of-year giving season?

In this 18-piece bundle, you are guaranteed to get more of both with:

💰 Looking to raise money through corporate sponsors next year? This bundle includes a first of it’s kind sponsorship database

✍️ Time-saving templates galore to help you do everything from write warm-up marketing content to Giving Tuesday emails

🤖 The most effective ChatGPT prompts to make content creation a breeze

⚡️ Ready to work smarter, not harder? The automation starter kit includes your roadmap to effortless efficiency, including getting a handle on your tech and software with the 5-minute tech stack audit, then the boring but essential tag + naming convention template.

💰 Want a comprehensive training and beginner how-to on planning your year end fundraising campaign? We’ve got you - especially when it comes to major gifts

🤝 Need to get your board of directors on board for giving season? This bundle includes templates with 16 ways your Board can help support fundraising tasks

And so much more!

If you want to walk into the most profitable giving season of the year prepped and ready to go…

➡️ The Christmas in June Bundle is for YOU 🌟

Limited time only

From June 18th through June 28th you can instantly download 18 digital products worth over $1,800+ in this Christmas in June Bundle for Nonprofits.

This bundle will help you and your nonprofit organization walk into end-of-year giving season feeling confident and ready to blow past your fundraising goals. All for just $97!!

You deserve to do something nice for yourself & your nonprofit today.

Meet the nonprofit contributors 🤩



From June 18th through June 28th, all of these products can be yours for just $97!


  • The Christmas in June Bundle will only be available for purchase from Tuesday, June 18th - Friday, June 28th 2024. After that, these products will never be bundled together for this price ever again.

  • All 18 products listed above are included in the Bundle.

  • $97. Yes, you read that right. $97 for over $1,800 worth of digital products made for nonprofits.

  • After you purchase the Christmas in June Bundle, you’ll have immediate access to all of the digital products that you can pick and choose from individually.

    You will have three months to download all of the products.

  • No, we will not be issuing refunds on the Christmas in June Bundle. Because of its instant download feature, all sales are final.

    Note: this deal is so freakin’ good - we’ll be shocked if you’re unhappy with your purchase.

  • Yes! The Christmas in June Bundle includes products for nonprofits of all shapes and sizes. Even if you’re not ready to use one of the products now, you may want it in the future. After you download the products, they are yours to keep forever.

  • Please email: support@outintheboons.me

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